American Teen Review
I'm so happy to welcome some new teenagers to my collection, all dressed in the fashions of the late 90's. I acquired my favorite four of Dieter Meller's single wave dolls. Most of the American Teens can be found on ebay for around $20 each. I learned about these dolls from Black Doll Collecting , but wanted to add some extra images. Zoe, Dominique, Benjamin and Alex Zoe First, Zoe, the goth girl. Goth was a fashion fad when I was in high school, and this doll brings back a fun mix of memories. I admit I didn't know anyone who dressed quite like this in Smalltown, Wyoming, but there were inspirations in this genre. Zoe wears a long black coat that is soft and has large pockets. The coolest coats from my school were sort of Matrix inspired; I remember a glossy faux leather one in particular. The part of this outfit that made me laugh is Zoe's truly enormous pants! Yes, I remember these. You can't honestly call them flared or bell-bottoms... the...