
Showing posts from January, 2018

Gloria Furniture + Repaint

I've long admired Gloria doll furniture on ebay, but haven't been able to discover much about it. It seems to be a Barbie knock-off, made and sold in China, and the boxes have a 1990s style. I finally bought two sets I'd been admiring, and didn't realize until receiving them that my dining table was "My Fancy Life" brand. However, it's obviously the same design as Gloria, as the wine glasses and bottle are identical. (If anyone knows anything about these brands, please tell me!) I paid less than $30 for the two items. Yes, Chinese Barbie is allowed to drink, clue #1 that this wasn't sold in the US when I was a 90's kid. But I feel rude calling these designs a knock off; although they are Barbie-sized, they seem to all be original designs and are both clever and practical. Making a doll house is a big desire of mine, and Mattel products haven't filled that void in the way Gloria does.  The dining room set comes in pieces, cle...