Why I Don't Slut-Shame My Dolls
Slut-Shaming : the act of criticising a woman for her real or presumed sexual activity, or for behaving in ways that someone thinks are associated with her real or presumed sexual activity. People... often criticize women's appearance for being too sexual (according to their standards of acceptable sexuality), in order to control women. They also often blame women for being victims/survivors of rape, by using similar appearance-based criticisms. reference: Geek Feminism Wiki Mattel thinks women only buy one length of skirt Barbie often wears short skirts. Similar to my views on skinny-shaming , I admit this isn't an ideal situation. However, it has been overly criticized in a way that seems more likely to give kids a bad perspective rather than a good one. Barbie is " literally objectified ," Monster High dolls get compared to prostitutes , and even Ever After High dolls have been called " tarted up princesses ." Is this the kind of lang...